Business English

With many years experience in multi-national organisations both in Europe and the US, I can help improve your English knowledge and expertise in the areas of:-


appreciate not only the language but the cultural differences of how native English speaking people communicate in meeting situations, and learn how to effectively contribute in English meetings


In today's work place, e-mail plays a crucial role in the day-to-day communication of an organisation. Discover the etiquette of e-mailing in English, and how to use the appropriate level of formality.


For many, the only or main exposure to English is on the telephone. Learn how to make and receive calls, and the key phrases for starting and ending calls.


Ensure the biggest impact for your English presentations by using the right language for the right audience, and learn how to talk naturally about trends and figures.


Understand the balance between direct and indirect language, learn the important words and phrases, and the language of clarifying and paraphrasing.

Change language:
Union Jack Drapeau de la France German flag

Idioms and Expressions

Everything but the kitchen sink

Usage: If people include everything but the kitchen sink, they include every possibility, regardless of whether they are useful.
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